Welcome to the homepage of the Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Students at the University of Goettingen

The Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Students ( PAS ) is an institution of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy of the University Medical Center and the Georg-August-University Göttingen.

The Psychotherapeutic Outpatient Clinic for Students (PAS) is open to all students at the University of Göttingen.
It is a special outpatient clinic for young adults with the crises, disorders and corresponding study-specific problems typical of this age. You can also find further information in our flyer.


  • Adress / Contact


    Psychotherapeutische Ambulanz für Studierende ( PAS )
    Humboldtallee 38
    37073 Göttingen
    Tel.: 0551/ 39-64076

Content for Accordion Panel 2



Our work focuses on the diagnosis, counseling and treatment of students in psychological crisis situations.

When you come to us, we will first narrow down your problems together and structure them as part of a targeted diagnosis. As far as possible, we will then clarify the next treatment steps in the PAS.

Possible fields of treatment
  • Acute study or life crises
  • Work or learning disorders
  • Phobias (i.e. test anxiety, social phobia)
  • Depressive crises, states of exhaustion
  • Other psychological or psychosomatic symptoms
  • Family or relationship conflicts
  • Difficulties in making contacts

    When you come to us, we will assess the things that concern you and attempt to identify your particular problems, completing our diagnostic i.e. with specific questionnaires. Then we recommend the best following steps and assess what treatment can be provided for you in the PAS.
    Together we identify troubling and repeating patterns of behaviour or relationships and search for inner resources and first possibilities of change. These steps already help in some of the cases so that there is the possibility that problems / symptoms improve after a few appointments.
    In many cases, these steps already help, so that an improvement in your problems/symptoms is possible within just a few appointments. If necessary, the indication for drug treatment can also be checked in the PAS and initiated as an accompanying measure.
    Another aspect of our work is to determine whether an illness-related study or exam-inability exists and to attest this if necessary.
    If the necessity for a longer and more intense outpatient psychotherapy (3-5 sessions) or clinical treatment becomes apparent, we will support you in your search for an outpatient psychotherapist or an appropriate clinic.

    In a psychological emergency situation

    please contact:

    Klinik für Psychiatrie UMG

    Von- Sieboldt-Str. 5

    37073 Göttingen

    Tel.: 0551/ 39-62007

    Asklepios Fachklinikum für Psychiatrie

    Rosdorfer Weg 70

    37081 Göttingen

    Tel.: 0551/ 402-0